Angie McArthur is the co-founder and principal of Core Thinking Partners, and since joining her prior company Professional Thinking Partners in 1998 has co-facilitated and designed global conferences, leadership retreats, training programs, and ongoing one-on-one Thinking Partnerships in organizations from non-profits to Fortune 500s. She is the co-author of two books by Random House: Collaborative Intelligence (published 2015), and Reconcilable Differences (published 2016). Angie is also one of the creators of the Worldwide Women’s Web, a network formed in 2001 to retain women in corporate leadership roles. As an expert in Mind Patterns, she has developed communication strategies for authors, corporations and CEO’s, and the ongoing Executive Champions Workshop. She has also designed interactive web assessments and products for corporate training programs.
Angie has also worked extensively with youth as part of the gloabl educational initiative SmartWired, developing materials, interactive websites, and programs around the world in multiple languages for non-profits and military children.
Angie received her B.A. in Communication Theory from McGill University, and has a passion for adapting emerging technology to maximize communication effectiveness and synergy. Her clients include Women Moving Millions, Bolthouse Farms, Dunn and Associates, MUSE Schools, PepsiCo, Royal Dutch Shell, Xerox, Chrysler, Green Mountain Energy Resources, the Institute for Storytelling, Kimball Arts Center, SEED (Schlumberger Excellence in Education) and the Society for Organizational Learning.